October 2-6, 2006
10-2-06 7-Blue; The Oratory open
10-3-06 1-Gold; review "Cask" homework and questions 2-9 from page 63; warm-up; short story work and Poe work; clear thinking and writing notes; page 88 TIME "Adventure Article"; intro Bambara and "Blues Ain't No Mockin' Bird" pages 67-76; finish story for homework
10-4-06 1-Blue;
10-5-06 1-Gold modified; no 7th; Small faith Families (SFF) in the am; warm-up; "Shattered" and "Blues Ain't..." quiz; review SHORT STORY 1A quiz from last Friday; return all papers; homework: Saki's "The Interlopers" pages 77-88; questions 5-8 on page 85
10-6-06 1-Blue; due date for SCHOOL-WIDE PHYSICALS; St. Joseph's Parochial School Golf Tournament; FB vs. Santiago Corona HS @ Bosco 7:30 pm; no spaghetti dinner tonight! It is moved to Football Homecoming night