World Lit/Comp IA Blog

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reading Strategies for Lord of the Flies

Reading Strategies
Techniques for Reading Difficult Material

1. Employ metacognition – be aware of your own thinking process – KNOW that the task is to read with full comprehension, monitor your own progress as you read – keep the goal in mind and employ a new strategy or back up if you sense that comprehension isn’t adequate
2. Predict success realistically and plan accordingly – (don’t assume you can read one chapter in five minutes – don’t underestimate)
3. Read at varying speeds – slowly through the first time; and more slowly through passages with difficult language
4. Activate prior knowledge - recall or list all that you know about the work before the reading
5. Periodically make predictions about what will happen next and check confirmation of those predictions
6. Summarize, or paraphrase small sections of the work
7. Make inferences and associations
8. Make comparisons and note differences
9. Control setting – choose a reading environment that works
10. Share with others – tell friends or family about individual chapters
11. Read actively with a journal – take notes or annotate

What are some more strategies you can think of?


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