World Lit/Comp IA Blog

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Useful resources for Students & Parents--2006-2007

Teens/Parenting, etc.

Mothers of College Freshmen
Baby Names
Dating Advice,,4tdm,00.html
Teen Help
College Ratings
Imperfect Parent
Research Guide for Students
Household tips
Pre-nuptial Agreements
My World -> Parenting, marriage, etc.
Student Help
School Folks
A -> Z Teacher Stuff
Becandor [Decision Making: Drink/drugs/pre. sex/career/job/house
More for Kids -> Parenting, etc.
The New Parent: Raising Excellent Kids in an Insane World

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Homework: 11/9/06

Students will review their Draft #2 evaluations; students will complete their 3rd drafts in class on Monday, 11/13/06. Students will complete the "Word-Study-Part One" handout for homework using their text and a dictionary--online or paper. Students will bring in drafts #1-2 on Monday as well.

11/9/06 Co-Op Myth work

Mythology: Chapter 1 “The Gods”

Group 1: Who were the first parents of lifelike creatures? And, who were their children & grandchildren?

Group 2: Who were the Titans? Describe them & tell who first ruled them.

Group 3: What is Olympus? And, who lives there?

Group 4: Who were the 12 great Olympians? And, give their Greek and Roman names.

Group 5: Identify the “spheres of influence” for the 12 great Olympians. And, identify their symbols.

Group 6: Who were the 12 great Olympians? And, to whom they are related.

1. Get in your small co-operative editing groups
2. I will assign you a group #
3. Using your Mythology text, find the answers to your questions and write the page #s where you found the answers.
4. Present findings to the entire class
5. Hand in one page per group with all group members’ names on it
6. Ink only

The 12 Great Olympians Fill-in Chart: 11/9/06 classwork

Name: Date: Period:
The Olympian Gods
Name (Roman)
Animals, Plants
Attributes, Activities
Zeus (Jupiter)

eagle, bull, oak
lightning, aegis, throne
prophecy, weather, kingship, justice
Hera (Juno)
cow, peacock

Delos, Delphi

lyre, bow &arrow
prophecy, medicine, archery, music, moderation, law

Delos, Delphi, Brauron
bear, deer
bow&arrow, moon
chastity, hunting, protecting young, childbirth
Hephaestus (Vulcan)

anvil and forge
craftsmanship, blacksmith, lameness
Dionysus (Bacchus)
Thebes, Delphi, Asia

wine, thyrsus, fawnskin
prophecy, tragedy, ecstasy, violation of limits
Aphrodite (Venus)
Cyprus, Cythera
dove, goose

love, sex
Poseidon (Neptune)
Athens, Crete
bull, horse

Demeter (Ceres)

Hermes (Mercury)
Mt Cyllene, Arcadia

messenger, traveller, leads souls to Hades, trickster
Ares (Mars)

chariot, armor

owl, snake, olive tree
aegis, armor
wisdom, war, weaving, chastity
Gods sometimes included:

sacred fire
chastity, domesticity
Hades (Pluto)

Use your handout to complete the missing information on this chart
Complete in ink only

11/7/06 Class

11/7/06 homework: WP draft #2 of Q-Exam Essay re-write; if you did not complete draft #1 then complete draft #1; bring to class on Thursday, 11/9/06. Read "The 12 Great Olympians" in your Mythology book. Be prepared for a quiz. In class we reviewed expectations as students, reviewed the report cards and how to read it; we set up a new seating chart; and, we did the first small-group peer editing of the 1st drafts that were handed in. Each "Reader #" read a paper for 2 minutes and answered some questions on the content of the essay

Thursday, November 02, 2006

11-2-06 Classwork and Homework

Due: Glencoe Literature book and the Edith Hamilton Mythology book; all q-exam corrections for scantron and short answer are due at the start of class--along with the student and parent signature; first draft of q-exam essay re-write

Class: Prayer; new seating chart; progress report distribution; q-exam correction homework collect; take out first draft; as a class, read pages 280-282; re-read q-exam essay question(s); read 284-286; in your new small group, review rubric from handout/286 in Glencoe Literature book. Each person reads the first draft for 1 or more characteristics. Mark the document. Each member signs it. Teacher collect and return to original owners. Talk about as a class. Begin draft #2. Draft #2 due 11-7-06 done by WP or typewriter ONLY.

Homework: Be safe and have fun at all of the Homecoming activities; complete draft #2 through WP/typewriter; read Edith Hamiliton's "Introduction" on pages 1-23 in my book--no myths/stories...just the introduction

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Internet Student Safety Warning

Mr. Lee – English
October 31, 2006

As part of the faculty here at St. John Bosco High School, we are constantly being trained in all areas of effectiveness for teachers.

In August, we met with an expert on the internet to learn about its significance to our students, to learning and to academics. The presenter also shared a wide range of information about student usage of the net, about blogs and websites, and about various forms of instant messaging, etc.

Yesterday, we met with a lawyer who specializes in the law as it applies to Catholic schools and your education.

Both presenters were adamant and stressed the importance of letting students know that there is nothing on the internet that is private or that can be permanently erased. Every activity and every communication is potentially retrievable by a sophisticated future college admissions officer or by a future employer.

Please be careful and decisive every time you press send or participate on the internet. Consider the long-term ramifications.

Do you want this public?
Will this look good in your admissions file for college?
Do you want this attached to your permanent record?

Happy Halloween! Don’t let today’s actions haunt you.

Quarter Exam review/Correct


Students, Parents and Guardians,

Please complete the following activities to review/correct the World Literature/Composition IA Final. All will be due on Thursday, 11/2/06:

¤ Read and review test, scantron, short answers, and essay
¤ Monitor and work with your son to find the correct answer(s), mark them down, and then explain why the “new” answer is correct. These will be done on separate sheets of paper and completed in ink. Your son will receive .20 % per answer that is corrected. This will directly help his ACTUAL Q EXAM grade.
¤ Both you and your son sign and date the test.
¤ Review your son’s FIRST DRAFT of the test-essay rewrite.
¤ Your son will get a another test essay grade as we begin a multi-draft writing assignment to improve our CLEAR THINKING AND CLEAR WRITING.

Thank you for your assistance and support!

Patrick Lee