World Lit/Comp IA Blog

Saturday, January 27, 2007

1-25-07 SUB

Mr. Lee sub for the 1/25/07 CLASS:
9th English IA

1) Please start with a prayer
2) Distribute warm-up: SentenceCraft pages 16-17
3) They have 10 minutes; it goes in the binder
4) Take out scantron, pen and pencil
5) Distribute test: 2 versions (Purple and white); alternate amongst students
6) They will have 65 minutes to complete the test
7) Write answers to questions 44-45 on page 5 of test
8) Write essay to question 46 on the back of page 5 unmarked page)
9) Hand all in
10) Homework: Research William Shakespeare and the play, Romeo and Juliet. Use books, magazines, newspapers and the internet. Bring in what you find and be prepared to share those findings with the class. FIND AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FOR MAXIMUM POINTS! Also, bring Glencoe Reader to next class
11) Thanks Sal!



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